
Questions to Ask When Searching for a Rental

Questions to Ask When Searching for a Rental

What’s Included?

Make sure what’s included in your rental. Is it an all inclusive price? Do you have to pay for utilities, HSIA (high speed internet access), Cable TV, Housekeeping services and more…

What’s Nearby?

Make sure you research to check out the neighborhood and discover restaurants and entertainment venues nearby your new short term rental. Call or text the concierge, your best resource!

What’s Allowed?

Make sure you check to see if your short term rental allows pets. There could be weight limits on pets and be aware of the non-refundable pet fees. Further make sure that you have read and understand the allowed occupancy per residence.

Need somewhere to stay in Raleigh, NC?

Revisn’s executive rentals are pet-friendly all 365 days of the year! Our executive apartments come fully furnished and fully equipped, including modern designer furniture, high-end appliances, cutting-edge technology, and luxurious personal amenities. For everything else, just ask our 24-hour concierge.

Stay a few weeks or a few months while you explore the city. The flexibility of Revisn lets you decide when your stay begins and ends without being locked into calendar months or long-term leases. All you need to bring is a toothbrush and your clothes. We provide the rest. These fully furnished short term rentals provide you the residential experience you've been looking for.

Extended Stay Hotels Cary NC

Make a Reservation

Fully-furnished, flexible lease residential experience with hotel amenities.Revisn is a perfect executive apartment for guests who need accommodations for 30 days or longer.

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2022-11-29T04:04:16-05:00November 29th, 2022|Blog|
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